Thursday, August 5, 2010

School is back in session

After a bit of a break, school is back in session. (For some reason that phrase brings the opening song to Saved by the Bell into my head.) lucky us, our timing actually correlates with public schools so we are able to catch a break on back to school supplies! We took a break during the summer this year and concentrated mainly on reading. Nevaeh did a wonderful job learning to read over the past couple of months and even completed a reading program at our local library. The program gave us an opportunity to learn  a lot of things and Nevaeh built a good relationship with the librarian. Nevaeh has also started doing chores around the house to learn about money. She is learning the value of saving , honest work, and learning to count her cash. She hopes that she can buy a new bike soon.

Aidan's summer accomplishments mainly revolve around the fact that he learned how to use a crayon and keep his art concentrated on just the paper instead of the table, chairs, and walls! I also learned that it saves my sanity to put him in his booster chair and buckle him in at the dining room table when it is time for him to engage in art work. Aidan is also mastering the major accomplishment of building his vocabulary! He is finally getting the guts to attempt using words instead of pointing and grunting like a cave man. This is a big relief to all of us ;)

But our biggest news probably has to be that we have a new addition to the family! Liam Killian was born July 13, 2010. He weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces and measured 21 inches long. His labor and birth went very smoothly and he was born without any complications. I couldn't have asked for better. My recovery has been a breeze as well! Thank goodness! I just don't have time to be ill!

So, I will be blogging our adventures as often as time allots.

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